Euchre mistakes especially by Beginners & Casual Players

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Euchre mistakes especially by Beginners & Casual Players

Unread post by Richardb02 » Sun Jan 19, 2020 8:57 pm

Beginners and Casual Players have to deal with a handful of critical but easily recognized and fixed mistakes. My top mistakes:

1. Not ordering biddable hands. The main reason is fear of being euchred, aka losing. Our brains are wired to survive, not to thrive. Therefore, our tendency is to avoid being euchred. But logically Euchre is a game of chance, you have to take a chance and that means that you may be euchred. More analytically. If you win 67% of the time (earning 1 point) and lose 33% of the time (losing 2 points), you are successful losing 33% of the time, 1 in 3 hands! You must forcefully adjust your thinking that losing (being euchred) is to be expected. You can use the Euchre Lessons tab at OE or the Basic Euchre Bidding System in this Welcome to the Beginner and Casual Players Forum.
2. Not leading trump from S1 (Seat 1) when your partner in S3 orders trump. S3 is the toughest seat to make an order. Therefore, if S3 orders you must assume that S3 has a strong hand. You must lead trump, first of all, to learn to lead to the strong hand. Secondly, you must learn that this is a partnership game. You and your partner are a team. If you are on a boat, you are 2 mates, but one has to become the leader, the Captain. The Captain of the team is the Maker, the one who orders up. The maker is responsible for taking 2 tricks, the mate, the partner is only responsible to take 1 trick. Lead a trump to the Captain, almost all the time, but in particular when your partner in S3 orders. It does not matter what is in your hand. The success of your team depends on what S3 has in his hand. It is a mandatory lead. This is the best test of you taking control of your thinking and doing what you should do instead of what you feel that you should do.
3. When your opponents have ordered, do not lead trump. This is the contra-negative (reverse) strategy of leading trump to your partner’s S3 order. Your opponents are your enemy, the exact opposite of your Captain Partner. Doesn’t it make sense if you lead trump to your Captain that you never lead trump to your anti-Captain, your enemy? It is that simple, do not lead trump to your opponents’ order. Again, this is a test of you taking control of your thinking and doing what you should do instead of what your feel (irrational emotional, age 4 decisions) that you should do. Take control of your thinking.
4. Not asking questions of more experienced players, especially on this forum. Why don’t you ask? Fear of rejection (our brains being wired for surviving instead of thriving). You must make up your mind that you want to succeed (thrive) at the wonderful game of Euchre. Ask us questions. Stay on the “Beginner and Casual Player” forum to inform us that you have limited knowledge but are eager to learn. We respect your eagerness to learn.
5. Not playing online games. Ohio Euchre has a table scheduled every Monday at 9 PM ET for OE players at WoCG (World of Card Games). Go to www.worldofcard, register and play. You can play the Bots (short for robots, actually a computer program) to gain experience on the site. You can play humans. You can enjoy a rated game. You can join us. You can also download other Euchre sites at your App Store. Your takeaway is to play online (as well as in person) and gain the maximum experience in the shortest period of time to experience the maximum enjoyment from Euchre.

There is a longer list of mistakes on OE (Ohio Euchre). Visit:

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