Friday 4-22 Hand #6

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Friday 4-22 Hand #6

Unread post by Tbolt65 »

In this hand I'm not sure if this is a misclick or not but I will highlight that it possibly could have made a difference depending how it gets played out if trump was lead. Maker is Seat 3 and orders up Diamond. Seat one is 4 suited but decides to lead a low spade on opening lead instead of trump. With having your only trump being the Queen of diamonds and no voids. It doesn't make much sense to hold onto it. Lead it for your partner because thats the best thing you can for them.

Image!replayer ... %3A1%7D%5D

Wes (aka the legend)
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Re: Friday 4-22 Hand #6

Unread post by Wes (aka the legend) »

Yeah that's just a misclick or S1 didn't realize who the maker was. It happens, especially on that site.
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Re: Friday 4-22 Hand #6

Unread post by LeftyK »

i watched the replay and STILL missed 3rd seat called that. ......
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Re: Friday 4-22 Hand #6

Unread post by Richardb02 »

I dunno. It looks like one of those R1S3 orders that was being investigated! The hand could be slightly +EVo! My cruder method (BPS) calls it as +0.23.
Wes (aka the legend)
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Re: Friday 4-22 Hand #6

Unread post by Wes (aka the legend) »

Richardb02 wrote: Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:57 pm I dunno. It looks like one of those R1S3 orders that was being investigated! The hand could be slightly +EVo! My cruder method (BPS) calls it as +0.23.
I would be very surprised if calling with:

(Card_A-D) (Card_J-D) (Card_10-D) (Card_K-S) (Card_10-C)

Vs a (Card_9-D)

Was a -EV play. I've never tested it but I feel good about that call.

HOWEVER change that hand juuuuust a little to this:

(Card_A-D) (Card_J-D) (Card_10-D) (Card_K-S) (Card_10-H)

Now I have approx 2 tricks in Next, and if I have a P I can trust, a P that will never pass from S1-R2 if he doesn't block reverse Next then I will bag this.

Here's a crazy similar example that happened on Friday. Me and Ed were partners:

Image!replayer ... %3A1%7D%5D

I pass/bag: (Card_Q-C) (Card_9-S) (Card_J-S) (Card_A-S) (Card_9-H)

Vs a (Card_10-S)

Becuz I have 2 tricks in Next and I can trust my P in R2.

The dealer passes, and then ED calls Next on near nothing and we scratch out the point. Notice if ED passes S2 gets his red loner which illustrates why it's probably a very bad idea to bag this hand with a P you can't trust. That said you should be very skeptical of my play until I put it to the test. I know I am. I wouldn't be surprised at all if I tested out this bagging strategy and it turned out to be -EV. But either way it was a fun hand!

Edit: just did a 50 hand sample of this holding in my thread testing 3 seat hands.
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Re: Friday 4-22 Hand #6

Unread post by Tbolt65 »

Of note as well. Yesterday, I passed with a similar hand in seat 3 here in black, but lefty went alone in seat 1 with a Red loner. He didn't not make the loner but still made point.

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