Euchre Change a Life! - Ann Arbor - December 13th

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Euchre Change a Life! - Ann Arbor - December 13th

Unread post by euchrechangealife » Mon Nov 25, 2019 2:11 pm


Charity euchre tournament with five games guaranteed and prizes for top finishers! Play with your partner the whole night or come by yourself and we'll pair you up!

$20 at the door / $10 with early sign up by December 11th at:

Check-in closes at 6:15pm. Play begins promptly at 6:30pm.

Bring a snack to share! Food and drink are also available at the 2|42 Cafe until 7pm.

Bring quarters! Drop a quarter in the jar when you get euchred and every penny of our proceeds goes to support our 24 children sponsored through Haitian Christian Outreach.

Bring a new friend and earn extra punches on your Euchre Rewards Card. Five punches = a free play!

Tournament rules:

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