If I’m in 1st seat, holding all jacks, but up card doesn’t match my 5th card, do I order up?
Same question from 3rd seat
Holding all four jacks
- DreamboatPat
- Posts: 10
- Joined: Sun Apr 22, 2018 10:40 pm
I've always have been told you should pass with 4 jacks.
- Posts: 1323
- Joined: Tue Apr 24, 2018 9:33 pm
RE: 4 jacks
Better to answer this by knowing the upcard and what is the 5th card to your 4 jacks? Anyway, we can still answer this. Suppose the upcard is a diamond, and your 5th card is a small club. Of course, Pass, because two naked bowers in diamonds is no guarantee for winning three tricks.
Even if playing STD, dealer passes, you will score more points with many hands played by making clubs trump, JS JC xC. You lead one of the jacks. If only the opponents have clubs, you then need to lead the other Bower. You have no guarantee for a euchre in Spades or Hearts, you have no off suit aces. I have studied this situation, extensively and you will make your point ~95% of the time and make a 'march' 10 to 15% leading the turned down JD to your partner on trick 4. The rule here is call trump with a Biddable hand.
Better to answer this by knowing the upcard and what is the 5th card to your 4 jacks? Anyway, we can still answer this. Suppose the upcard is a diamond, and your 5th card is a small club. Of course, Pass, because two naked bowers in diamonds is no guarantee for winning three tricks.
Even if playing STD, dealer passes, you will score more points with many hands played by making clubs trump, JS JC xC. You lead one of the jacks. If only the opponents have clubs, you then need to lead the other Bower. You have no guarantee for a euchre in Spades or Hearts, you have no off suit aces. I have studied this situation, extensively and you will make your point ~95% of the time and make a 'march' 10 to 15% leading the turned down JD to your partner on trick 4. The rule here is call trump with a Biddable hand.
- Posts: 1323
- Joined: Tue Apr 24, 2018 9:33 pm
RE: four jacks PART II
Never order from 3rd seat with just two naked bowers. If the 5th card matches the up card, then you can order and your partner has to lead trump, if left or ace doubleton, lead high.
If he/she has no trump to lead, then lead an ace from 1st seat. If no ace, do not lead from a card holding 3 of the same suit. Lead a singleton suit card and hope for the best.
You have to also factor in, how well does your partner understand next, even calling next with a 'thin hand'. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE!
Never order from 3rd seat with just two naked bowers. If the 5th card matches the up card, then you can order and your partner has to lead trump, if left or ace doubleton, lead high.
If he/she has no trump to lead, then lead an ace from 1st seat. If no ace, do not lead from a card holding 3 of the same suit. Lead a singleton suit card and hope for the best.
You have to also factor in, how well does your partner understand next, even calling next with a 'thin hand'. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE!
- Posts: 85
- Joined: Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:41 am
Non STD you have to call on your 5th card no matter the seat IMO. In an STD game I'm passing in every seat except 1st