When does the official play begin?

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When does the official play begin?

Unread post by Suz » Mon Dec 17, 2018 8:47 pm

I played in euchre game where I was the dealer. The person to the left tells me to pick it up. He plays before I discard. As a result of the fast play, I forgot to discard. At the end of the play, I'm obviously holding onto one extra card. For this, the other team took 2 points. I’d like to know if the official play begins at the discard or am I penalized for not discarding?

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Unread post by RedDuke » Mon Dec 17, 2018 9:18 pm

The dealer must be given a "reasonable" amount of time to discard. You can't, as the dealer, pick up and then wait a couple minutes or anything. Normally though, you do have to have 15 or 30 seconds. Seems to vary for every group, but if you were only given a second or two, that's not enough.

Play officially begins at the discard.

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Unread post by irishwolf » Mon Dec 17, 2018 10:12 pm

Eldest can play a card at any time and it does not impact what or when you discard or is it illegal to play his card before you discard. The discard is not complete until your fingers no longer touch the discard. However, once eldest plays, a card played is a card laid, and he cannot take it back.

You are in control of your discard and cannot play with six cards once it is your turn to play to the first trick. So take your time ONLY you are in control of your hand.


Should the eldest hand lead before the discard is completed, the lead stands, and the dealer can change his discard if he wishes.

Should any player have more or less than five cards, or the dealer neglect to discard before playing, the deal holds good, and the party so offending forfeits two if all four are playing, and four if a lone hand is played. They also are not entitled to score any point or points they may have made on that hand.

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Unread post by irishwolf » Tue Dec 18, 2018 9:35 am


I should have also mentioned that Official Play was when you turned the upcard for trump. You should NEVER have six cards in your hand. Leave the upcard on the stock until you have completed your Discard. It is as simple as that. Two points was the correct penalty.

As a result of the fast play, I forgot to discard. At the end of the play, I'm obviously holding onto one extra card. For this, the other team took 2 points. I’d like to know if the official play begins at the discard or am I penalized for not discarding?

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