The Due Season Cometh!

List all Euchre tournaments in Wisconsin Here. Please include location, time + date. Cost, Type (partners, progressive, ect). Contact information for your event.
[email protected]
Joined:Thu Jul 12, 2018 9:42 am
The Due Season Cometh!

Unread post by [email protected] » Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:02 pm

**To reserve your spot, email the [email protected], or visit**

Entry: $10 USD
Location: 3807 S Packard AVe, St Francis, WI, 53233
Payout: Top 4 players, Player turnout dependent
When: November 10th, 2018

Hello Euchre Players!

Our group (The Euchre-ist League) is putting together a progressive style Euchre tournament being held at the 42 Ale House on November 10th, starting at 2:30pm. The tournament will consist of 8 rounds, and each round will be limited to 8 hands (or 10 points). Further explanation of our progressive format will be provided in the coming days.

The tournament is open to any player who understands the game and is looking for a group that continually hosts events on a regular basis. Entry buy in will be $10 USD along with a $1.00 euchre fee for each euchre accrued during game play to be added to the reward pot. Payouts will be dependent on player turnout, which will be capped at 32 for this event.

The 42 Ale House is a bar/restaurant able to accommodate individual needs with drink and food. We have reserved the backroom to minimize distractions and concentrate the tournament in one centralized location to help move the tournament along; we anticipate the tournament will last up to 6 hours. We will have audio and visual capabilities to make announcements and display updates throughout.

If you or anyone you know is interested, please contact us for information regarding this event. Again, email us sooner than later as this event will be limited to 32!

Thank you again for checking us out and we hope to see you on November 10th!

-----About Us-----
The Euchre-ist League is a homegrown, Euchre-centric group that hosts tournaments and games within the Greater Southeastern Wisconsin area.

Along with our tournaments, The Euchre-ist League hosts an official podcast, Table Talk, a weekly discussion of League happenings, announcements, and guest appearances from our League members. For our newer players, we also have several opportunities for pick up games between big events to help teach, forge partnership (for partner events), and build our community.

To learn more, we hope you'll visit or email us at [email protected] for information and any questions!

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