So, me and her thought it would be a GREAT idea to teach her how to play behind his back and then surprise him on Thanksgiving. She's a completely clean slate - has no prior background in Euchre, and we've been playing simulated hands for a couple hours every now and again. For Thanksgiving, I'm going to challenge him - and have her as my partner - and if we win (I'm so excited to see if we do lol) - then we'll bring in the news that I've taught her the aggro style as you all know and love

She's already learned concepts like next and reverse next, as well as why you should play aggressively and what to call with in which seat. She's pretty good at leads too and knows how to count trump. We're working on paying attention to off suits a bit now.
One fun simulation hand: I'm in S4, my brother is S1, and his fiance in S2 (we have a stuffed animal playing S3 (which I play for)). We're playing simulations so we're allowed to show cards and talk about the hand during the hand.

Wish us luck!!!