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A good reason to order weak Euchre hands

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 3:23 pm
by Richardb02

Play through this hand:

Image!replayer ... %3A1%7D%5D

R1S4 (Round 1, Seat 4 {Dealer}) passed a hand that he should have ordered.
It cost his team 4 points!
There are defensive benefits to ordering, as well as the offensive benefits of earning points.
Sure, you take risks by ordering, but a 35% euchre rate is still a +EVo. EVo= Expected Value of ordering. If you get euchred 35%, you take at least 1 point 65% of the time and I will use a reasonable assumption of taking 2 points 10% of the time.
So 55%x1(point)+10%x2-35%x2=
.55 + .2 - .70 = +.05
So, you earn more points by ordering than passing. You receive the additional benefits of stopping a 4 point order, as happened in the posted hand. I rate the odds of R1S4 getting euchred at less than 35%, 28% using BPS.
Questions & comments are welcome.

Re: A good reason to order weak Euchre hands

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 7:35 pm
by Tbolt65
All what Richard said is correct and I want to add to his comments is that. Being Two-suited with an Off-suit Ace being three deep in that off suit is Key in two ways.

Being two suited allows you to trump nearly anything. It also allows you to throw off on a off-suit your partner may have taken in the First round, or any round for that matter. It could then set up an end play with your Jack-King of clubs. You can easily trump i n on the first trick with your king and then lead the King of clubs to eliminate any single trump holdings from your partners so that your Ace of spades is good. With this hand you have 1 guaranteed trick with the right bauer/Jack of clubs. Plus, with being two suited it allows you to effectively trump any red suit that's led with the king effectively giving you two tricks for the most part. Your Ace by itself without a trump lead will take some tricks a small portion of the time but also if trump has been led. Unless your opponents are void and have more than one trump you will take it a good portion of the time. Let's say your opponents have multiple trumps and after taking the first trick with the king of clubs on a diamond lead. You lead the Jack of clubs. You now have two tricks in. You are out of trump. You lead the Ace of spades and say Seat 1 trumps in and takes it. You still have a shot of your partner taking a trick with off suit or trump possibly. So, there is still a chance. This is a good point making opportunity here and like Richard said. Don't pass this up.
