2019 World Series of Euchre (20th Anniversary) PARTNERS Tournament

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2019 World Series of Euchre (20th Anniversary) PARTNERS Tournament

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2019 World Series of Euchre (20th Anniversary) PARTNERS Tournament
Sep. 27-28


Hilton Garden Inn, St Louis Airport
4450 Evens Place
St. Louis, MO

* $50 entry fee (in advance) or $60 (at the door).
* You may register with your partner OR individually, in which case you will be paired with a partner randomly.


- You do not need a trump to pick up, order or name trump.
- You play what you are dealt, no re-deals due to all 9s and 10s.
- You keep the same partner throughout all phases of the tournament.
- Tournament rules will be almost entirely aligned with rules as posted on
Major Exception: 2 points penalty (or -2 points) to offending team for violations
such as renege, exposing a card, bidding out of turn, leading out of turn &
playing out of turn (also, other team gets +4 points (lone attempt) or +2 points
(non-lone attempt).
- Final tournament rules & scoring summary will be made available & clearly
explained at the tournament.


Fri., Sep. 27:
4p-6p: Registration
Beginning 6pm: Introduction followed by Qualifier Tournament

Qualifier Tournament: 10 rounds of eight hands each (total cumulative

Sat., Sep. 28:
Beginning 9a: Qualifier Tournament Completion (if needed); Lunch Break; Finals Tournament & Optional Consolation Tournament.

Finals Tournament: Top 8 teams (ranked 1 – 8) will qualify. Best 2 out of 3 (or
3 out of 5) Standard 10 point games. 75% cash payout.

Optional Consolation Tournament: Open to ANYONE not ranked in the top 8.
Additional required entry fee of $20 per person. Best 2 out of 3 (or 3 out of
5) standard 10-point games. 100% cash payout + additional prizes (books,
cards, etc.)


HOTEL REGISTRATION INFO. - See website (NOTE: Discounted rate of $120 per night for room with 2 queen beds or 1 king bed).

I have posted this info. here on behalf of the tournament director Joe Andrews: [email protected]; [email protected]

Thank You,
Ashis K. Das
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