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62. Is when a player, holding one or more cards of the suit led, plays a card of a different suit.
63. The penalty of a revoke is three points, except in the case of a lone hand, when it is five; and the penalty may be claimed as often as the revoke is repeated in the hand.
64. A revoke is established if the trick in which it occurs be turned and quitted; or if the revoking player or his partner, whether in his right turn or otherwise, lead or play to the following trick.
65. A player may ask his partner whether he has not a card of the suit renounced. Should the question be asked before the trick be turned and quitted, subsequent turning and quitting does not establish the revoke, and the error may be corrected, unless the question be answered in the negative, or unless the revoking player or his partner have led or played to the following trick.
66. At the end of the hand the claimants of a revoke may search all the tricks.
67. Should a revoke be claimed, and the accused player or his partner mix the cards before they have been sufficiently examined by the adversaries, the revoke is established.
68. A revoke cannot be claimed after the cards are cut for the next deal.
69. If a player discover his mistake in time to save a revoke, the adversaries may call the card played in error. Any player or players who have played after him, except his partner, may withdraw their cards and substitute others; the cards so withdrawn are not liable to be called.
70. A revoking player and his partner may require the hand on which the revoke occurred to be played out.
71. An equal number of revokes on different sides cancel each other.
72. Any player (on paying for them) before, but not after, the pack is cut for the deal, may call for fresh cards. He must call for two new packs, of which the dealer has the choice.
73. A card or cards torn or marked must be replaced by agreement, or new cards called for at the expense of the table.
74. The trump card having been turned, the eldest hand may pass, order up, or play alone; in either of the last two cases the third hand may take it from him and play alone.
75. Should the eldest hand pass, the second hand may pass, assist, or play alone; in either of the last two cases the dealer may take it from him and play alone.
76. Should the second hand pass, the third hand can pass, order up, or play alone; and after him the dealer must pass, take up the trump, or play alone.
77. Should all four players pass, the trump is turned down, and the first hand can name a suit, or pass; and so on in turn around the table. Should all pass again, the deal is at an end, and the next player deals.
78. Should the player entitled to make a trump name a suit, he cannot change; and should he name the suit turned down, he is considered to have passed.
79. Should the player, after naming the suit turned down, or passing, mention the suit he intended to make trumps, his partner also must pass.
80. Should a player pass, and then attempt to assist, or order up the trump, his partner also must pass. The adversaries, however, may elect that it shall be played.
81. Should a player make a declaration, and his partner not hear it and pass, the declaration is not invalidated.
82. No player can take away another's right by passing, ordering up, or assisting, out of turn; but should the dealer turn down the trump card, or on the second round throw his cards on the table, such action is binding on his partner.
83. If any one, prior to his partner's playing, should call attention to the trick either by saying that it is or is not his, or by naming his card or by drawing it without being asked to do so, or call on his partner to take or not to take the trick, the adversaries may require that opponent's partner to play his highest or lowest of the suit led, or to win or lose the trick.
84. A player has no right to ask who played a particular card, but at any time during the play of a trick, or after the four cards are played, but before they are touched for the purpose of gathering them together, may demand that the cards be placed before their respective players.
85. When a player and his partner have an option of exacting from their adversaries one of two penalties, they should agree who is to make the election, but must not consult with one another which of the two penalties it is advisable to exact. If they do so consult, they lose their right; and if either of them, with or without the consent of his partner, demand a penalty to which he is entitled, such decision is final.
86. Should the card turned up be made the trump, the dealer must at once discard one card from his hand. The discard is not complete until the dealer has placed the card under the pack and quitted it; after which he cannot change.
87. Should the eldest hand lead before the discard is completed, the lead stands, and the dealer can change his discard if he wishes.
88. The trump card cannot be discarded.
89. Should the third hand play alone, and the second player lead before the dealer has discarded, the latter can be called on to play his highest or lowest of the suit led, or to win or lose the trick.
90. Should any player have more or less than five cards, or the dealer neglect to discard before playing, the deal holds good, and the party so offending forfeits two if all four are playing, and four if a lone hand is played. They also are not entitled to score any point or points they may have made on that hand.
91. The trump card must be left in view till played, and if removed or lifted from the pack, becomes an exposed card.
92. After the trump card has been played, no player has a right to ask what card was turned up, but can at any time ask what is the trump suit.
93. A player may play alone when he orders up, assists, adopts, or makes the trump, or when his partner does so, provided that he himself has not already passed.
94. If a player declares to play alone, his partner may take it from him, subject to the previous rule; in which case the form of declaration must be, “I take it from you.”
95. A player cannot play alone when he or his partner is ordered up, or when his adversaries adopt or make the trump, or if before making his declaration he exposes a card.
96. The dealer must announce his intention to play alone before quitting his discard.
97. A player must announce his intention to play alone before naming the trump, otherwise he can be required to play the hand with his partner.
98. In all cases a single declaration must be made. It is not permitted to say, “I order it up and play it alone,” or “I make it hearts and play it alone.” The declaration must be, “I play alone at hearts,” or, “Alone at hearts.” Any other declaration precludes a lone hand.
99. Should the partner of the player playing alone offer to take it from him after a lead has been made, or after he has himself passed, neither can play alone.
100. Should a player announce that he will play alone, and his partner play upon the first lead, the player loses his right to play the hand alone, and must play it with his partner, unless his adversaries elect that he play it alone.
101. Should a player announce that he will play alone, his partner must place his own cards on the table face downwards, and not again take them up. He shall have the right to gather and quit his partner's tricks, and his action is binding on his partner.
102. Should a player expose the face of any of his cards, his partner can score only two points, should he take every trick; but in case of a euchre the adversaries score four.
103. After the partner of the lone player has placed his hand on the table, either adversary may count the hand, to see if it contains more or less than five cards.
104. A player playing alone is liable to no penalty for simply exposing a card; but should he lead out of turn, the card is an exposed card, and can be called.
105. Should an adversary play out of turn to the lead of a lone hand, both opposing hands must be laid on the table, and can be called by the player playing alone.
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