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The game of Euchre

By John W. Keller, 1887

Last update on: Dec 21, 2016

Technical Terms - CHAPTER 3

In the preceding chapter I have endeavored to' give a clear and comprehensive description of the game of Euchre without writing down the specific laws that govern players, or entering into a discussion of the variations and peculiarities of the game. My purpose in that chapter was to give to the reader a general idea of the most popular form of Euchre just as it is played. As the succeeding chapters of this book will be devoted to a more specific consideration of the rules and form of the game and the best way of playing it, and as such consideration involves the use of certain technical terms, I believe that a list of those terms will not be out of place here. They certainly will be of use to the beginner, and that alone justifies the space they occupy.

Assist. - The term used by the partner of the dealer to signify his desire for the dealer to adopt the trump turned up at the conclusion of the deal.

Bridge. - When one side has made four points-, and the other has made but one, the condition of the game is called "the bridge."

Counters. - The cards used in scoring the game.

Crossing the Suit. - If the trump made is different in color from the trump turned, the suit is said to be crossed. Example: All the players having " passed" a red trump turned up by the dealer, any player making black cards trumps crosses the suit, and vice versa. In other words, "crossing the suit" simply means changing the color of the trump.

Discard. - The act of the dealer in exchanging a card from his hand for the trump turned. In regular Euchre, the dealer is the only player having the right to discard.

Eldest Hand. - The hand at the immediate left of the dealer.

Euchre. - The failure of the side making or adopting the trump, to score a point. Such a misfortune is described as "being euchred."

Jambone. - To play a lone hand with the cards exposed on the table, and to give to that adversary having the lead, the privilege of calling one card from the exposed hand, to the first trick; or, if it be the jambone player's lead, to allow this same adversary to demand what card shall be led.

Jamboree. - The combination of the five best cards, viz., - right bower, left bower, ace, king and queen of trumps. Both jambone and jamboree will be treated more fully hereafter. They are not found in the ordinary game of Euchre.

Lap. - Lap is a term used to describe that variation of the regular game wherein any excess of points over the number necessary to win a game, is counted on the next game. Example: If a side needing but one point to win a game should make two points, it would be permitted in the "lap" game to count one point on the next game. In this instance the winning side would "lap" one point.

Left Bower. - The knave of the same color but not of the same suit as the trump. Diamonds furnish the left bower to hearts as trumps, and vice versa; while spades furnish the left bower to clubs, and vice versa.

Lone Hand. - A hand capable of winning five tricks from its adversaries, without the assistance of its partner. There is a difference between a "lone hand" and playing alone.

Making the Trump. - When all the players have passed the trump turned up, and any one of them names a trump, such action is called "making the trump," or, more briefly and generally, "making it."

March. - When two partners take all five tricks, they are said to have made a " march."

Markers. - Synonymous with counters.

Next in Suit. - Making the trump in the same color, but not the same suit, as that of the trump turned down. Hearts are next in suit to diamonds, and vice versa, while spades are next in suit to clubs, and vice versa. But black cards can never be next in suit to red cards, and vice versa.

Ordering up. - The action of a dealer's opponent in commanding him to take the turned-up trump into his hand.

Pass. - To signify that you do not wish the turned up trump, or that you are unable to make the trump when the turned-up trump is turned down.

Playing alone. - The attempt of a player to beat his adversaries without the assistance of his partner.

Point. - One count in the score of the game.

Revoke. - To refuse to follow suit when you are able to do so. This is the unpardonable sin in Euchre.

Right Bower. - The knave of trumps.

Scoring. - Keeping a record of the game.

Stock. - That part of the pack remaining after the deal has been made.

Taking up. - The action of the dealer in adopting the trump turned up.

Trick. - The cards played to a single lead. The number of cards constituting a trick depends upon the number of players in the game. In a four-handed game, four cards make a trick; in a two-handed game, two cards, etc.

Turning down. - The action of the dealer in refusing the turned-up trump.

Chapter 1 - Origin of Euchre

Chapter 2 - description

Chapter 3 - Technical Terms

Chapter 4 - Rules of Euchre

Chapter 5 - Laps, Slams, Jambone, Jamboree

Chapter 6 - Railroad Euchre

Chapter 7 - Two and Three-Handed Euchre

Chapter 8 - Progressive Euchre

Chapter 9 - Miscellaneous Variations

Chapter 10 - Points

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