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What card should I play, 4th trick? Pg 4

The reward for a correct play is extra points

Last update on: May 16, 2021

All too often, there are points left on the table due to an incorrect lead on the fourth trick. Many teams, satisfied with making their point, give little thought to the possibility of making that second point.

On page 1 we showed how the wrong lead on the fourth trick can cost a team valuable points. In the example below we show how choosing the correct lead to gain that extra point could make the difference between a win and an 'almost win'.

Table Position
fourth trick was incorrectly played 6

Here the dealer is in the East seat, deals, and turns up the queen of hearts. Both South seat and West pass. North has a strong hand and orders the dealer(E) to pick up the queen. The dealer then discards the king of diamonds.

fourth trick was incorrectly played7

The maker's partner in South correctly leads the 10 of hearts. A non-trump lead by South would tell the partner he was void in trump. West plays the left, the maker(N) uses his right and East plays the queen that they picked up. The bidding team has their first trick. Four trump have been played.

fourth trick was incorrectly played 8

Now the maker(N) leads the ace of diamonds. West plays the 10 of clubs, South follows suit with the king and West also follows suit with the 10.

fourth trick was incorrectly played 9

Next, the maker(N) leads the ace of spades. Everyone follows suit and the ace walks the board. The bidding team has taken the first three tricks and they made their point. Using the information available, the maker now has to decide how to play the rest of the hand. Let us see, four trump has been played but clubs haven't been led yet. South led a trump at the start of the hand and everyone followed suit. West seat played the left on the first lead. It was most likely his only trump. East seat played the trump card that they picked up so it's most likely they are also void. There are still trump unaccounted for. Yes, the ace is the boss trump but the 9 of clubs is a guaranteed loser. The only way to make 2 points is if your partner in South can take the 9. The maker correctly decides to lead the nine.

fourth trick was incorrectly played 10

The bidder's partner(S) makes good use of the king of trump. The bidder holds the ace of trump for the last trick, and the team starts the game off with a 2-point lead.

A trump lead on Fourth would surely have cost the bidding team a point and maybe the game.

Suggested Further Reading:

What card should I play, 4th trick? Pg 1
Why is the fourth lead so important?

What card should I play, 4th trick? Pg 2
The reward for a correct play is extra points

What card should I play, 4th trick? Pg 3
Sometimes a trump lead on the 4th trick is correct

What card should I play, 4th trick? Pg 4
Your team has lost two tricks, now what?

What card should I play, 4th trick? Pg 5
There is where you need to help your partner.

What card should I play, 4th trick? Pg 6
Is it appropriate to take the 4th trick, maybe

What card should I play, 4th trick? Pg 7
Is it appropriate to take the 4th trick, maybe not?

What Card should I Lead? page 1
Help me understand what card to lead

NEVER lead trump on defense, page 1
Until you learn when is the correct time

Defending against a 'lone' call - 1
Use the proper lead to stop the call

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